Welcome to English 205. This is our class blog for EN205-007. Each week I will post three questions about the assigned reading. You will post a comment on one of these questions. Only twelve students may comment on each question, so if you find a post with twelve student comments already posted, go to one of the other two questions for that week. Your posts will normally need to be 250 to 300 words long, and must include a quotation from the assigned text. Additionally, you must reference and build upon a comment made by another student on the same question. For today, though, just comment on one of the following questions in a sentence or two in using the pseudonym (blog name) you've selected. Do not use your real name or include anything in your pseudonym by which other students can identify you (no geographic origin, club membership, sports affiliation, hobbies, etc.). Remember--your blog name is a secret!
The questions: 1. Who is your favorite British writer, and why? 2. Have you read Beowulf before? In a sentence, what was your impression of it? 3. Which period of English history interests you the most (or least)? Post your comments before class on Monday. (One or two sentences in answer to one of the questions. The purpose this week is to be sure you've found the blog and created your blog name.)
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ReplyDeleteMy senior year of high school my class read snippets of Beowulf but my memory of it is blurry. All I could recall from it before starting it a second time was that it was about vikings, Danes, and a giant monster! Obviously it is much more complicated than that! We also read most of the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. That is why I have to say that he is my favorite British author because he seemed to have a subtle sense of humor and I really liked what I read. I don't feel as if I am well read in British Lit enough to have a favorite era. As of now I can barely name more than three British authors.
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ReplyDeleteMy favorite British author, as cliche as it is, would probably have to be Shakespeare. It's interesting how, despite their age, his plays are still able to speak to people in a meaningful way.
ReplyDeleteIm not sure who my favorite British author is. I do like Shakespeare mostly because I like interpreting his work into everyday verbiage. I did read Beowulf in high school but mostly just snip its of it, so it is blurry. My favorite time period would probably be The Tudors area just because I really like the show so I found it interesting.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite British author is Shakespeare. I love the deep meanings behind his works.
ReplyDeleteI read Beowulf in high school but do not remember much of it, except a handful of things about Grendel and his mother. I took a British Lit class in high school, but can't say that I remember enough about it to have a favorite era; I can say that I have definitely enjoyed studying Shakespeare in previous english classes, so I'm looking forward to reading more of his work in this class.
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ReplyDeleteShakespeare is probably my favorite British author.I've been to the globe theatre in London.I find him interesting because I enjoy love stories.I have never read Beowulf before ,but my first impression of it was that it would be hard to understand.The Romantic period of English lit is my favorite.It just interests me and so therefore I would have to say it's my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI read an abridged version of Beowulf in high school so it wasn't exactly the same. It didn't really leave a big impression on me, I see the only reason that it is so popular in Literature studies is because of the fact that it's so ancient of a story and holds historical contexts that shows that it really is from the time period it's set in.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about English history I think interest me the most is how people make history off of things that happen in the past if that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteI had read Beowuld previously in the begining of my highshool career. My memory on the story is a bit blurry due to it being so long ago but I do remember important parts, just not the minor details. I also have seen the animated movie that came out years ago, though it doesnt follow the plot correctly of the original story, it was still decent in relation to the story.